Lundy Fowl Observatory Replace – 1st – 4th September


Clear skies and vibrant, dry days meant that regardless of constant easterlies the primary two days of September began pretty quietly, with frequent migrants trickling by and morning censuses pretty low on numbers. Nonetheless, working the decrease east within the afternoon produced very good outcomes on Sunday third, with a memorable day together with highlights of a Western Bonelli’s Warbler, Melodious Warbler and Wryneck on the Terrace (together with Noticed Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher and a pair of Frequent Redstart). Millcombe wasn’t to be not noted, with the primary Whinchats of the season simply above round Barton’s Area, a Firecrest within the pines, and a juv Rose-Colored Starling flying from the church to beneath Authorities early night. Wryneck, 2x Firecrest and Rose-Colored Starling all current for a second day on the 4th.

Western Bonelli’s Warbler, St Helen’s Copse © Luke Marriner
Wryneck, Terrace © Angus Croudace

Ringed Plover singles had been heard by quarter wall on census on the 2nd and third, with a second heard shifting over Gannets Bay on the third. Single Golden Plover heard on the 2nd, and single Dunlin over the village on third and ‘in-off’ on the Ugly on the 4th. Frequent Snipe flushed from Rocket Pole on 1st, flying over Quarter wall on 2nd, and flushed from Pondsbury on 4th. A Pintail has been seen day-after-day for the reason that 1st, shifting between contemporary water our bodies and the Touchdown Bay, most memorably on Millcombe pond, and shortly after within the high shelf of a Secret Backyard mist internet (albeit too briefly to retrieve)!

Black-headed Gull flew north alongside the west on the 2nd. Gray Herons have been seen on 1st (grownup at Barton’s Area) and third (juv at Pondsbury). Ringtail Hen Harrier shifting north of Quarter Wall on 2nd, however has not been seen since.

Firecrest, Millcombe © Luke Marriner

Pied Flycatcher © Luke Marriner

Skylark picked up on the third and three on the 4th, and a small hirundine motion with 2 every of Sand and Home Martin and 71 Swallow on the third and 4 Home Martin, 39 Swallow on 4th. Birds appeared to drop in all through the day on Sunday third, with a closing whole of 82 Willow Warblers after only a couple on census in early morning and totals of seven on the earlier 2 days. Additionally recorded on Sunday third had been 10 Blackcap, 1 Backyard Warbler, 3 Whitethroat, 8 Goldcrest, 7 Noticed Flycatcher, 2 Frequent Redstart and a pair of Whinchat. The primary Yellow Wagtail of the season was recorded on census on the third and 4th and 10 alba Wagtails had been additionally recorded on the third and 4th. 2 Tree Pipit singles over Millcombe on third and one other two on the 4th. Monday the 4th was very busy with Noticed Flycatchers, with 23 recorded, and one Pied Flycatcher.

Nets had been open in Millcombe for all of Friday and several other hours on Saturday/Sunday earlier than winds elevated, though seize charge was pretty gradual, with about 60 frequent migrants and native breeders ringed. A bunch of visiting ringers have been placing some effort into the Manx Shearwaters, with a few dozen chicks ringed every evening.

Noticed Flycatcher © Luke Marriner

First-year Rose-Colored Starling, Millcombe © Luke Marriner


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